Pi3 NameCheap
This is a followup to a previous post because that one stopped working, now - this works.
There’s not a lot of OC here, just clarity.
NameCheap DynDNS on a Pi3
I use NameCheap (because they’re anti-SOPA) for DNS. The client program, ddclient, can connect to NameCheap.
I’m using raspbian, so, first;
- run
sudo apt-get install ddclient
on your Pi - find the dynamic DNS settings on NameCheap’s website
- Dashboard
Domain List>>>
Advanced DNS - they do like to change these things around
- Dashboard
- halfway down the page, there should be a DYNAMIC DNS thingie
- enable it (if you haven’t already)
- note the blurb-what-looks-like-a-SHA
edit your
to look like this################ # namecheap ddclient.conf # from https://blog.dembowski.net/2013/namecheap-dynamic-dns-setup-with-ddclient/ ################ use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.com/, web-skip='IP Address' protocol=namecheap server=dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com login=your-domain-at-namecheap.whatnot password='blurb-what-looks-like-a-SHA' your-subdomain
After rebooting my Pi (and giving any DNS caches time to flush) I could phone-home!
… but you can also see if the DNS records on NameCheap’s website have updated.