Space Ships

Awhile ago I undertook a goofy little “game-play study” with space ships. It has space ships I’m calling it Space-Ships. I wanted to see if 2D game-play (like S.P.A.Z.) could “feel” like traditional 3D. (like Freelancer) To study this I built a game-play prototype with a 2.5D chase-cam in (Unity) a 3D game engine. I used engine’s existing rigid body simulator (PhysX) to provide a limited version of physics. After constraining everything to a 2D plane and fiddling with the inertia values in various ways I was happy with the flight mechanics.

Automated Unity WebGL Deployment

I have an old Unity project that I haven’t looked at in awhile - this one. If memory serves; assembling a WebGL version is slow and boring - so I’m making my eager little Jenkins server do it. Really I’m a bit bored with sbt-launch malarkey and I wanted to see if I could get this rolling. Broadly the steps that I followed went like this; Install Unity (5.

Hexo and Jenkins atop Os X

In which I ramble a bit about setting up CI for this very blog. I have a Jenkins server running on my OsX computer. (… or … I’m setting one up anyway) I also have (am establishing?) a blog built by Hexo … because that seems the right way to do this sort of thing. My constraints of “MarkDown” and “no really - let me use MarkDown because I’m going to have a lot of code fragments” seem alien to most blogging software - “Hexo delivers” as the kids say.

New Digs

I am experimenting with Hexo. I do believe it’s much nicer than my old system. So far I’ve setup a basic site, a sitemap generator and it deploys to my existing GitHub pages configuration. Now I’m tweaking themes/ and copying over worthwhile articles from previous blogs! The whole thing weighs in at 480K (or did before I added this sentence) so I’m fighting the Website Obesity Crisis somewhat … right?


You don’t need members when you’ve got SWAG! Actually … you don’t get many members with this idea. By casting this I can pass around an immutable structure of up-to sizeof(void*) bytes. Gist;

First Post

Can I use polymorphic-static-templates to automagically wire meta-functions into a Lua allocator? Presently I’m using several “make—” functions to “decorate” objects after allocation and enable get/set/run meta-functions. I keep feeling the “smell” that some esoteric template thingies could be used to make these steps declarative (or maybe automatic!)

Hello World

Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick Start Create a new post $ hexo new "My New Post" More info: Writing Run server $ hexo server More info: Server Generate static files $ hexo generate More info: Generating Deploy to remote sites $ hexo deploy More info: Deployment