Java3D v 1.7.0 in SBT

Just a quick note of what sbt things I needed to get Java3D running on the classpath.

Making a Portable TortoiseHG

TortoiseHG is borked at work, so (at home) I made a script to build a portable version of it.


I was sent a pile of .pdf files as prep for a DnD5e campaign I’m not otherwise ready for. These are my observations about them, posted here because (again) this blog has become a personal notebook.

Hobby Notebook 2021-09-17

I really should do these more often.

Leave a comment to encourage me to do these more often!

PrinterJournal / Bowden Tube Flush with Nozzle

My 3D printer was in a state where it seemed to need the nozzle unclogged after each print. The issue was that the PTFE tube was not flush with the nozzle, due to the hot end coupler being “worn in” and feeling like it was fully extended.