Dual Hetero Quadro on Heaven

Literally the punchiest title I could come up with. I’ve been told that heterogeneous GPU setups are ridiculously slower than a single-GPU. This is largely an anecdotal shrug of “hey - a second GPU doesn’t really slow my computer down in any meaningful manner at all!” I’m sure that I did this all wrong and that the GPU is capable of being tweaked into a setting where this all becomes conclusively - the legwork for that isn’t interesting to me so I haven’t done it.

Canadian Racing Geese

I have had several geese charge me - this is a poor approximation. I was quite young and the geese were acclimated to humans, more importantly, they knew how tasty the french fries and clam strips we carried were. I never had a chance, nor will I ever forget. Honking with a bestial hunger, the savage geese charged! Pursing me across the fried clam shop’s parking lot, my mother could only cackle as she scrambled for the camera.

Bin Plugins / Python 3.5.1

I was playing with Python’s binary extension system and was impressed with the simplicity. I think that the usage of setup.py encourages a consistent ecosystem … as opposed to the more open conventions used by Java and CLR. (I followed the generic instructions and they worked fine on Windows 8.1 - disregard the hype/hate!) Example on GitHub

Hungarian Notation

In which I pontificate on the subject of Hungarian Notation Hungarian Notation is a contentious topic It boils down to an ambiguity for the word “type” within English / C++. MicroSfot’s modern style-guide says not to use “Abbreviations and Acronyms” or “Hungarian Notation” - originally Hungarian Notation was a style of abbreviation. I’m going to paraphrase a long blog post by Joel on Software and summarize my thoughts at the end.

Space Ships

Awhile ago I undertook a goofy little “game-play study” with space ships. It has space ships I’m calling it Space-Ships. I wanted to see if 2D game-play (like S.P.A.Z.) could “feel” like traditional 3D. (like Freelancer) To study this I built a game-play prototype with a 2.5D chase-cam in (Unity) a 3D game engine. I used engine’s existing rigid body simulator (PhysX) to provide a limited version of physics. After constraining everything to a 2D plane and fiddling with the inertia values in various ways I was happy with the flight mechanics.

Automated Unity WebGL Deployment

I have an old Unity project that I haven’t looked at in awhile - this one. If memory serves; assembling a WebGL version is slow and boring - so I’m making my eager little Jenkins server do it. Really I’m a bit bored with sbt-launch malarkey and I wanted to see if I could get this rolling. Broadly the steps that I followed went like this; Install Unity (5.

Hexo and Jenkins atop Os X

In which I ramble a bit about setting up CI for this very blog. I have a Jenkins server running on my OsX computer. (… or … I’m setting one up anyway) I also have (am establishing?) a blog built by Hexo … because that seems the right way to do this sort of thing. My constraints of “MarkDown” and “no really - let me use MarkDown because I’m going to have a lot of code fragments” seem alien to most blogging software - “Hexo delivers” as the kids say.

New Digs

I am experimenting with Hexo. I do believe it’s much nicer than my old system. So far I’ve setup a basic site, a sitemap generator and it deploys to my existing GitHub pages configuration. Now I’m tweaking themes/ and copying over worthwhile articles from previous blogs! The whole thing weighs in at 480K (or did before I added this sentence) so I’m fighting the Website Obesity Crisis somewhat … right?


You don’t need members when you’ve got SWAG! Actually … you don’t get many members with this idea. By casting this I can pass around an immutable structure of up-to sizeof(void*) bytes. Gist; https://gist.github.com/g-pechorin/d5eb8a1a770f783943a0

First Post

Can I use polymorphic-static-templates to automagically wire meta-functions into a Lua allocator? Presently I’m using several “make—” functions to “decorate” objects after allocation and enable get/set/run meta-functions. I keep feeling the “smell” that some esoteric template thingies could be used to make these steps declarative (or maybe automatic!)