Git Flow
In which I briefly pontificate on the Git-Flow Workflow.
OpenVPN on a Pi3
These are some old notes on using a Pi3 as a VPN host - I can’t remember why I un-published them. Might be fun to stuff in a container someday.
Implementing an Idris Monad from "Scratch"
I implemented the Idris Monad Interface by hand because I didn’t see a better way.
Docker with nVidia's CUDA Support
Months ago … I setup Docker with nVidia support on pokey old computer with a PNY K620 Quadro GPU.
goHugo Table of Contents
Quick explanation of using Hugo’s shortcodes for a Table of Contents.
goHugo Mermaid
I did some tinkering with Mermaid and settled on a shortcode that I’m happy with for my Hugo blog.
I’ve switched from the Mainroad theme to the Binario theme initally as a (failed) workaround. I found that the syntax highlighing for Binario theme worked better so I’ve kept it.
OpenGL introduced yet-another object in the form of the “Vertex Array Object” to carry (in effect) the vertex format data. Here’s an example of how to create an OpenGL4.3+DSA Vertex Array Object.
Scala Maybe
I wrote a Maybe (a lazy Option[T]
) that I can use in Scala.
Pushing (from GoGS) with `post-receive` (to a mirror)
I have a GoGS server for my work.
I want to back it up off-site to our GitLab instance.
According to a document I read this should be possible using post-receive