
(Scala) Delay Run

I wrote a threading primitive and I’m very pleased with it. I plan to wrap all of my “save file” things in this, from now on. Delay Run This class acts as a sort of “once inactive for X do Y” pattern. In my design, I’m wrapping my save actions in it and triggering schedule() after practically every edit. The class is passed a delay: Long value to specify how long to actually wait - I’m using 1.

Pipe Sink

I had an idea/desire for a “simple” template class that’d work as my OpenGL thread. A contemporary design for multi-threaded 3D games10 seems to be pooling work and processing it in whatever threads are available. IME OpenGL/GLFW are not re-entrant; Apple2 and GLFW3 explicitly states that it won’t work - so it seems safe to assume that I shouldn’t call functions from different threads. So to make a super-fast 3D game (or whatever) I need to do less work on the thread which is running OpenGL while allowing other threads to send it whatever work they please.