
Is Games-Workshop teasing a Vampire-Pirates army?

No - it’s just Vampires and Vampire Blackstone Fortress

2020-10-20 / Skull Sail

Too loose to be a wing - it’s a sail!


2020-10-06 / Stinger and Chain

While this would suggest a Tyranid model with the armoured shell - Tyranids don’t use chains.

It could be Slaanesh though.

2020-09-29 / Buzzard

Undead with buzzard is a nice fit, but, it’s odd that they didn’t choose a sea-birb. I can’t think of any faction that it would fit into, and, a parrot might look a bit out of place.

2020-09-22 / Peet on Thing

What is this thing that this peet is resting on? The shading doesn’t suggest fur, so; could be some “nosferatu” type of mutant vampire.

2020-09-15 / Dock Hook

Looks like a bale-hook for sure - that’s only going to be by the sea!

The wrist looks far to small for a healthy living creature, and, the lack of ornamentation on the weapon and wrist dissuades be from thinking it’s Chaos.

2020-09-09 / Saber

It’s a sabre, possiblty a cutlass! Any pirate should be please with such an ornate tool.

The wrist looks far to small for a healthy living creature, and, the lack of ornamentation on the weapon and wrist dissuades be from thinking it’s Chaos.

2020-09-01 / Dual Hooks

Its a bit even for “Orks” and too complex for Orruks, but, it could be theirs.

It could also be an over developed bale-hook.

Hard to tell about the hand holding it though.

2020-08-25 / Flintlock Pistol

It’s a flintlock looking pistol.

It could be a new Freeguild sculpt, or something for the Skaven.

2020-08-18 / Wrist with Skull Gas

That wrist looks awfully wiry - ot’s something undead and magical.

2020-08-11 / With Teeth

It’s big with teeth and no hygeine. Doesn’t look like Orks, Tyranids or Chaos - I suspect an ancient beast brought back to life with vile sorcery.

2020-08-04 / Poleaxe

It’s just a poleaxe … but it’s not in great shape …

2020-07-28 / Crow and Key

It’s a crow so I want it. I’m not sure what it’s up to … but it looks displeased.

2020-07-14 / Drukhari Hair

There’s a Drukhari hero with hair like this - and she’s gone from the shop.

2020-0519 / Sabre and Bracers

This looks ornate, possibly aelven.

… possibly …

2020-05-12 / Bone Flute

I guess it wouldn’t be pirates without doots!

2020-05-05 / Claw Hand on Hilt

WarHammer’s Vampires descended from lords. This could have once been a lord’s sword, and that hand might have been a lord’s … once.

2020-04-21 / Crab Claw

Too weird to be fish-aelves, to sensible to be Chaos.

If it’s VamPirates - we’re getting some crabbos!

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Peter LaValle
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