OctoPrint Container

I keep forgetting how I setup octoprint.

… it’s elsewhere on here, but, hopefully this’ll make it easier to recall next tiome i rebild this.

First, use docker ps -a and find/kill/purge any/all old cotnainers that’d conflickt.

Next, docker pull octoprint/octoprint and launch the contianer like this …

docker run -d
  --restart always
  -p 5000:5000

… i don’t really know what the /dev/... stuff means - look it up yourself.

browse to http://pi-whole:5000/ to set it up. Follwoing that ser the x/y/z bounds for an Ender3 … but other than that it’s setup.

There’s an app - I couldn’t get it to work this time. I’m going to use the self-hosted webapp from my phone.

That’s it.

I’m printing a tube cutter with a 0.1 brim and 6560 bed temps … hasn’t worked. My existing problems seem to be resolved though - so - that’s progress.

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Peter LaValle avatar
Peter LaValle
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