Java3D v 1.7.0 in SBT

Just a quick note of what sbt things I needed to get Java3D running on the classpath.

I want to make a Desktop CAD program with Scala. Naturally; I like the idea of using Java3D for this rather than something … more methodical.

Here (for posterity and Google) are the dependency settings I sussed out for using Java3D in Scala;

// include Java3D
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    // these didn't show up in central
    "org.jogamp" % "j3d-core" % "1.7.0" from "",
    "org.jogamp" % "j3d-utils" % "1.7.0" from "",
    "org.jogamp" % "j3d-vecmath" % "1.7.0" from "",

    // not sure if we/i need-need all of this ... but ...
    "org.jogamp.gluegen" % "gluegen-rt-main" % "2.3.2",
    "org.jogamp.jogl" % "jogl-all-main" % "2.3.2",

With this in place I could start poking through the tutorials here;

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Peter LaValle avatar
Peter LaValle
Any links probably include affiliate ids for that sweet sweet kickback - and some programs require that I tell you. The contents of this blog are likely unrelated - as they include games, paints, and build tools.