A Maze Ed in Roblox
I made a maze with Roblox - https://www.roblox.com/games/9397399366/demo-maze-1
Wavefront .Obj
Notes from adding (WaveFront) .obj
export to a Unity3D plugin I’m working on.
libGDX in sbt (2021)
libGDX is/was the bestest way to do OpenGL in Java/Scala on Desktop/Android.
YouTube and Special Miniatures
I made a YouTube video and started a Special Models list.
3DPrinting `.unity3d` Web Archives
How to convert the .unity3d
web archives to .stl
files for 3D Printing.
Java3D v 1.7.0 in SBT
Just a quick note of what sbt things I needed to get Java3D running on the classpath.
Fun With Scribus
I’m trying to replace text in a Scribus document.
Making a Portable TortoiseHG
TortoiseHG is borked at work, so (at home) I made a script to build a portable version of it.
I was sent a pile of .pdf
files as prep for a DnD5e campaign I’m not otherwise ready for.
These are my observations about them, posted here because (again) this blog has become a personal notebook.